RXJava support in DBFlow is an incubating feature and likely to change over time. We support both RX1 and RX2 and have made the extensions + DBFlow compatibility almost identical - save for the changes and where it makes sense in each version.
Currently it supports
can be wrapped in aSingle
, orFlowable
(to continuously observe changes).Single +
, anddelete()
.Streaming a set of results from a query
Observing on table changes for specific
and providing ability to query from that set repeatedly as needed.
Getting Started
Add the separate packages to your project:
Wrapper Language
We can convert wrapper queries into different kinds of RX operations.
For a single query:
Using vanilla transactions:
Using RX:
Observable Queries
We can easily observe a query for any table changes (once per transaction) while it is active and recompute via:
This works across joins as well.
Model operations
Operations are as easy as:
Query Stream
We can use RX to stream the result set, one at a time from the ModelQueriable
using the method queryStreamResults()
Last updated
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