DBFlow has a number of artifacts that you can include in the project.
Kotlin: Built using the language, the library is super-concise, null-safe and efficient.
Annotation Processor: Generates the necessary code that you don't need to write.
Core: Contains the main annotations and misc classes that are shared across all of DBFlow.
DBFlow: The main library artifact used in conjunction with the previous two artifacts.
Coroutines: Adds coroutine support for queries.
RX Java: Enable applications to be reactive by listening to DB changes and ensuring your subscribers are up-to-date.
Paging: Android architecture component paging library support for queries via QueryDataSource.
LiveData: Android architecture LiveData support for queries on table changes.
SQLCipher: Easy database encryption support in this library.
Add the jitpack.io repository
This repo is used to publish the artifacts. It also enables dynamic builds, allowing you to specify specific branches or commit hashes of the project to include outside of normal releases.
allProjects {
repositories {
// required to find the project's artifacts
// place last
maven { url "https://www.jitpack.io" }
Add artifacts to your project:
apply plugin: 'kotlin-kapt' // only required for kotlin consumers.
def dbflow_version = "5.0.0-alpha2"
// or 10-digit short-hash of a specific commit. (Useful for bugs fixed in develop, but not in a release yet)
dependencies {
// Use if Kotlin user.
kapt "com.github.agrosner.dbflow:processor:${dbflow_version}"
// Annotation Processor
// if only using Java, use this. If using Kotlin do NOT use this.
annotationProcessor "com.github.agrosner.dbflow:processor:${dbflow_version}"
// core set of libraries
implementation "com.github.agrosner.dbflow:core:${dbflow_version}"
implementation "com.github.agrosner.dbflow:lib:${dbflow_version}"
// sql-cipher database encryption (optional)
implementation "com.github.agrosner.dbflow:sqlcipher:${dbflow_version}"
implementation "net.zetetic:android-database-sqlcipher:${sqlcipher_version}@aar"
// RXJava 2 support
implementation "com.github.agrosner.dbflow:reactive-streams:${dbflow_version}"
// Kotlin Coroutines
implementation "com.github.agrosner.dbflow:coroutines:${dbflow_version}"
// Android Architecture Components Paging Library Support
implementation "com.github.agrosner.dbflow:paging:${dbflow_version}"
// Android Architecture Components LiveData Library Support
implementation "com.github.agrosner.dbflow:livedata:${dbflow_version}"
// adds generated content provider annotations + support.
implementation "com.github.agrosner.dbflow:contentprovider:${dbflow_version}"